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Supporting Student Success
Supporting Student Success

Supporting Student Success

Supporting student success is not just about academic achievement but providing the tools, skills, and encouragement so students can achieve their potential. Understanding how we learn is a good place to start, so we recommend Todd Zakrajsek’s course on Helping Students Learning How to Learn before exploring the science of learning in more detail. We also have resources to help you motivate students, support better mental health and wellbeing, and develop your students’ study skills. If you’re new to teaching in higher education or want to brush up on those foundational concepts and skills, the Introduction to Teaching in Higher Education learning path provides a rapid grounding in the essentials and suggestions for further study.

The Science of Learning

Thanks to advances in neuroscience and psychology, we now know more about how we learn than we ever before. Armed with this information, we can create courses and learning experiences that increase the chances that our students achieve the desired learning outcomes and become more effective lifelong learners.

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Learning path
The Science Of Learning
by James M. Lang, Flower Darby, Derek Bruff, Todd D. Zakrajsek
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Video discussion
How to Help Students to Learn Through Connections: A Chat with James M Lang
by James M. Lang, Niya Bond
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Small Teaching Retrieval: How to Ask Effective Opening Questions
by James M. Lang

Supporting Student Mental Health and Wellbeing

As educators, we want to support the student as a whole person, but there is only so much we can do within our roles. Arguably, the most meaningful contribution we can make to student mental health and wellbeing is to create safe and inclusive spaces in which students can thrive.

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Video discussion
How to Help Your Students by Minimising Uncertainty
by Cia Verschelden
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‘Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom’: An Interview with Robert Eaton
by Robert Eaton, James M. Lang
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Learning path
Bandwidth Recovery: Helping Students Reclaim Cognitive Resources
by Cia Verschelden

Motivating Students

All students struggle with motivation at some point, and there are things we can do to help them overcome it. In part, it’s about starting the teaching period strong and laying the foundations for students to stay motivated. It’s also about using our teaching touchpoints to keep students connected, involved, and focused on the end goal.

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Applying the Science of Motivation to Teaching
by Sarah Rose Cavanagh
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Webinar recording
Keeping Students Motivated Throughout the Unit
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3 Tips for Starting the Semester Strong
by Niya Bond

Developing Students’ Study Skills

We want our students to have the skills to be successful learners on our courses and throughout their lives. Here we explore how we can help students develop the capabilities and mindset to become successful learners.

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Building Close Listening Skills
by Jess Napthine-Hodgkinson
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Developing a Growth Mindset Among Your Students
by Steve Joordens
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Webinar recording
Promoting Growth-Minded Students and Faculty
by Todd D. Zakrajsek

Innovative Teaching Methodologies

Discover and implement creative and modern teaching methodologies that go beyond traditional approaches, fostering engagement, and knowledge retention.

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Climate Action Pedagogy (CAP) Design Challenge
by Karen Costa 
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Introduction to Teaching with Zines
by Dawn Stahura
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Grading for Growth: Interview with David Clark and Robert Talbert
by Robert Talbert, David Clark, James M. Lang

Developing Students' AI Literacy

Enhancing Artificial Intelligence (AI) literacy among college students is vital, providing them with essential skills to thrive in today’s technology-driven world. Proficiency in AI prepares students for diverse careers and empowers them to navigate emerging technologies effectively.

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Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
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Video discussion
AI and Student Writing: Interview with Laura Dumin
by Laura Dumin, Niya Bond
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3 Tips for Using AI to Encourage Critical Thinking
by Niya Bond