
Develop your teaching your way

Expert-led courses, resources and more. Join the OneHE community and learn anytime, anywhere. No commitment. Cancel at any time. 

Ready to start your free 10 days trial now?

Please note that your ‘username’ is how you will be identified in OneHE. We recommend using ‘firstname.lastname’, If username has already been taken, try ‘firstname.lastname1’.

Look out for emails from “[email protected]” – you should add this email address to your safe list so we don’t accidentally find our way to your SPAM / junk mail. If you have any questions or issues when registering, please email [email protected]

Your free membership starts as soon as you set up your payment. When the 10 days trial finishes payment will automatically be taken unless you cancel your membership. No commitment required. Cancel at any time by clicking membership in your profile and updating your subscription details.

Please note, you can only go through the trial once. If you cancel your subscription and then re-subscribe you will not be given a trial period.