Graham Clay

Artificial intelligence (AI) for Research and Pedagogy
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

Graham Clay, Ph.D., is a Professor of Philosophy who specializes in three areas: (i) argumentation and the ways that our minds form beliefs in response to arguments; (ii) early modern philosophy, especially as it relates to the preceding; and (iii) the ways that we can and should use artificial intelligence (AI) for research and pedagogy. Graham and some of his colleagues run a newsletter, AutomatED: Teaching Better with Tech, that distills their work on AI and pedagogy for 1000s of readers every week. He also consults with university departments, centers for teaching and learning, and professors about ways that they can better leverage AI in their work.

Develop your teaching with Graham Clay
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Using ChatGPT to Create a Study Agent
by Graham Clay, Niya Bond
In this video, Graham Clay showcases his personalised chatbot designed to assist his students in completing an in-class activity.
Video discussion
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Tips for Effective Prompting in Generative AI Tools
by Graham Clay, Niya Bond
In this video, Niya Bond talks to Graham Clay about how to effectively prompt AI to enhance your feedback to students. 
Video discussion
Niya Bond and Graham Clay
How AI Can Help with Grading, Feedback, and Assessment: A Chat with Graham Clay
by Graham Clay, Niya Bond
In this video, Niya Bond talks to Graham Clay about using AI to assist with grading, feedback, and assessment.
Video discussion