Ebony English

Technology Infused Teaching
Community College of Allegheny County, USA

Ebony English became the first Endowed Professor for Teaching and Learning at Community College of Allegheny, USA in 2018. This position entails overseeing, developing, and evaluating a new faculty professional development program and learning center. During the pandemic, Ebony spearheaded innovative cross-team initiatives that emphasised the importance of technology-infused supports for faculty and students. This work is closely related to her research on using technology to increase the ability of students to use resiliency and self-determination to achieve academic success.

Develop your teaching with Ebony English
Course feature image
Technology-Infused Supports in College Teaching
by Ebony English

The purpose of this course is to discuss the use of technology within the context of social support. You will explore how to use technology to embed support in your course and how these efforts may increase student success.
