
Modeling Compassion with a Midweek Motivation 

Jeremiah E. Shipp

Jeremiah E. Shipp

In this webinar, led by Jeremiah E. Shipp, we will discuss how to effectively implement “Midweek Motivation” strategies in online teaching, fostering student engagement and well-being through compassionate communication and strategic scheduling of motivational announcements.
Sep 11, 2024
11th September 13:10-13:40 (PT), 14:10-14:40 (MT), 15:10-15:40 (CT), 16:10-16:40 (ET), 21:10-21:40 (BST) / 12th September 06:10-06:40 (AEST)
Resource feature image

Event Details

Midweek Motivation is an act of compassion that can empower and reengage learners when they need it the most. Join Dr. Jeremiah E. Shipp, a Senior Faculty Development Specialist at Winston-Salem State University, USA, to explore the art of "Midweek Motivation" in online teaching, where you will learn to effectively use non-course-related announcements like images, videos, memes, or audio files via your institution's Learning Management System to support students with compassion and enhance your teaching presence.

Jeremiah E. Shipp empowers postsecondary faculty to implement effective instructional and technological solutions to bridge the gap between technology and pedagogy. He is also a professor of leadership teaching online doctoral students.