
Managing Stage Fright and Anxiety

Teaching can sometimes feel like performing, which can bring with it stage fright and anxiety. Feeling nervous is perfectly natural and can help us perform, if managed.

This course has been developed with Dr Richard Bale from Imperial College London, UK and includes short videos, activities and discussion prompts. When completed you will:

  • Have a better understanding of why teachers often feel anxious or nervous before teaching and insights into what we can learn from the world of performance and acting.
  • Be equipped with techniques for how to harness and manage any feelings of nerves and use them to your advantage in your teaching.
  • Realise that feelings of apprehension and anxiety are natural and common amongst teachers and not something to feel anxious about.

What’s InSIDE

  • 20 minutes
  • 7 Lessons
  • 3 Activities
0% completed Not yet started

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