Lesson 2 of 7
In Progress

Introducing supporting students’ use of feedback

Educators spend a lot of time marking or grading students’ work and providing feedback comments. For these comments to have an impact on students’ learning, they need to be used, meaning that  students need to understand and apply those comments to other pieces of work they will do. If feedback is provided but not used, it has little, if any, impact.

It is important to support students to develop the skills underpinning effective use of feedback, and not assume that they know exactly how to get the most from it. Students’ own role in feedback is important. They are not there to simply receive comments given by their educators. They need to be actively engaged in the process and possess the? agency to seek and use feedback to inform their learning.


What is your experience of supporting students’ use of feedback?

Please share your thoughts and questions in the comments section below.